Just the Veil: Sardinian Town Opens Beach to Nudist Weddings
Updated: Jan 17
Looking to get even closer to nature? Couples can now exchange vows at Is Benas, a beach on the coastal strip of San Vero Milis, in a clothing-optional ceremony. The catch? Brides are encouraged to wear a veil, for “traditions sake”.

Growing Interest
With 20 million nudists in Europe alone, it’s no surprise that there’s a growing interest in naturist ceremonies. Even though nudist beaches have existed in Italy for decades, a law introduced in 2017 has enabled individual regions to legally dedicate stretches of coastline for naturists. Today, there are 17 official nudist beaches in Italy and beyond. For years, Tuscany has led the way with five, but Sardinia is hoping to steal its crown with its newest move – naturist civil ceremonies.
Luigi Tedeschi, Mayor of San Vero Milis, said it was a “question of equality” in authorising weddings for naturists on the local beach. He was initially inspired to open the beaches to ceremonies after a German couple expressed their desire to wed without any clothes. Originally, when the beach became officially designated as a nudist spot in May of 2022, Tedeschi said the move drew a few sniggers in the town’s bar but was otherwise supported. “I’m 65 and remember the times when nudity on the beach was normal,” he said. “Is Benas was already being used by naturists – all we’ve done is regulate it.”
Now, couples can exchange vows amidst the beauty of San Vero Milis‘ shell beach in whichever way they want, as Tedeschi said; “There are beaches in Sardinia where official marriage is also allowed. And some even choose to say yes underwater.”
Cultural Shift
Overall, the growing interest in naturist ceremonies reflects a broader cultural shift towards embracing nudity as a natural expression of freedom. Supporting this shift is the Nudiverse Association, whose president, Pamela Deiana, commented on the initiative, “The culture of shared nudity and the social perception of the nude community in Italy, in its principles linked to wellbeing, sustainability, inclusion, caring for places, the theme of consent, untying everything from the preconceptions and prejudices of those who associate nudity with sexual availability, has a cultural aspect that needs to be overcome”
The Vision
But Sardinia has a greater vision for naturists – the island is not only planning to add to its list of official beaches, but also has visions of creating naturist hotels, hiking trails and even an entire village as it endeavors to attract the growing market. Pamela Deiana from the Nudiverse Association adds, “We are working to break down barriers, so that there may be nude areas without fences, in peaceful proximity and coexistence between those who decide to keep their clothes on and those who choose not to wear them, simple integral nudity that, if told in the right words, unites rather than divides”